Excerpts and information on UX deliverables for multiple digital products.

Role: UX Director and Designer

01. Online Medical Courseware

a. Client

DigitalMed, a learning company dedicated to helping healthcare professionals accelerate their professional development by providing online learning services.

b. Project

A web resource for nurses to maintain compliance, continue their education, receive orientation, and to improve their overall performance.

c. UX Audience

Internal personnel: healthcare executives, subject matter experts, technical writers, designers, and developers

d. UX Deliverable

UML diagram that allowed for all internal audiences to have a common reference for accessing the website’s main functionality for a curriculum’s courses and lessons.

02. Responsive Sports Schedule

a. Client

University of Kentucky’s athletics program that supports and promotes 21 collegiate sports year round.

b. Project

Responsive web schedule capable of providing live coverage, scores, game information, stats, and promotional opportunities for multiple sports.

c. UX Audience

Athletic directors, sports information directors, university staff, internal management, designers, and developers

d. UX Deliverable

Wireframes and visual mockups to provide information for client review and details on overall functionality for engineering.



03. Mobile Sports App

a. Client

The ACC, a collegiate athletic conference comprised of 15 member universities that compete in the NCAA’s Division I.

b. Project

Mobile sports app capable of providing live coverage, scores, schedules, stats, video, news, and game information for all conference universities.

c. UX Audience

Internal management, athletic directors, sports information directors, conference staff, designers, and developers

d. UX Deliverable

Activity diagram and wireframes to provide information on high-level app navigation and functionality for internal review and overall project scope for engineering.

Setting Favorites

Main Navigation

Sport Change

04. Augmented Sports Display

a. Client

University of Kentucky athletic department’s Ring of Honor display at Commonwealth Stadium.

b. Project

Digital and physical experience utilizing iBeacon/Bluetooth triggered content within a mobile app showcasing historical information on the best players and coaches in the football program’s history.

c. UX Audience

Athletic directors, sports information directors, facility staff, designers, and developers

d. UX Deliverable

Wireframes to provide information on user interaction with iBeacon/Bluetooth triggered content within the app for client review and details on overall functionality for engineering.

Beacon Content 1

Beacon Content Swipe

Beacon Content 2

Long Content Scroll

05. College Sports Website

a. Client

Campus Insiders, a college sports website featuring news and video streaming of college sports from selected conferences.

b. Project

Responsive website providing live coverage, broadcast replays, scores, stats, game information, and analysis for multiple college sports and conferences.

c. UX Audience

Executives, sports columnists, sports reporters, athletic directors, sports information directors, designers, and developers

d. UX Deliverable

Wireframes to provide information for all reviews while outlining details on content organization for the client and engineering.